April 6, 2012

Jack tells us about his experiences in S. Korea.

About Jack

Jack Moon is my Grandfather and he has just recently turned 80-years-old. We are very close and I look up to him a lot. He first lived in Oklahoma and after he married my Grandmother he moved to Texas. My Grandfather served during the Korean War and has visited S. Korea recently.

The Interview

Q: How many times have you been to S. Korea and how long did you stay each time?
A:  The 1st time I was stationed there for 15 months and the 2nd time for two weeks.

Q: When you first visited S. Korea how were you greeted?
A: They were very polite to me and respectful.

Q: Was there any difference in how they greeted you in your more recent visit?
A: The first time I only really saw them at a distance at first and at the time they were starving. But I do not think there is much difference. They are still very polite and respectful.

Q: During your first visit did you eat any meals with a Korean family or Korean?
A:  No, we were passed where the civilians were at the time. But during my visit in 2010 we ate many meals with the family we were visiting there.

Q: Was there any difference in our meal etiquette and their own? 
A: There is very little difference from what I could tell.

Q: During your visits did you have anything that was hard for you to adjust to that dealt with courtesy?
A: Not really... other then feeling like I had really poor manners compared to them.

Q: Is there anything you think Westerners need to know before going to S. Korea dealing with courtesy?
A: Learn to appreciate their courtesy and be courteous back.

Q: Is there anything you would like to share with everyone about S. Korea?
A: Everything goes towards their Economy and not to the CEO's. Mark Twain said all Americans need to visit a foreign country twice. The 1st time we think we are better than them. The 2nd time to realize everything we could learn from such a great nation.

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